Each of our members are committed to living a life of amends by giving back through the form of supporting and promoting rehabilitative efforts, advocacy work, facilitating workshops that empower and promote wellness. We are committed to upholding the restorative justice principles where victim & offender are equally valued. We use our experience and life story to empower our community by bringing awareness and serve as peer support for others who are struggling with addiction and maladaptive behaviors. We are a non-judgmental group committed to the process of change!
Process Groups
After years of incarceration the members of RTime Co. return back to correctional facilities to share their journeys of rehabilitation and help facilitate that process for others by teaching rehabilitative workshops & offering peer support. It's been proven peer support is a effective evidence based practice for recovery from substance abuse & rehabilitation.

Court Mandated Classes
As a way to disrupt the pipeline to prison we teach court mandated classes for effective rehabilitation. Using a combination of life experience and effective evidenced based tools serves to help court mandated participants not only relate to the facilitators but realize first had the outcome of poor choices.

Community Empowerment Workshops
Community Empowerment Workshops serve to bring awareness on important issues like substance abuse, they encourage community cohesion, & exploring human potential.

Transitional Housing & Sober Living Homes
Through case management and mentorship RTime Co. strives to create an experience that promotes the adoption of a lifestyle of recovery. Their housing program isn't just about placements and referrals but more about human connection through event planning (i.e. camping, site seeing, traveling, fishing, etc.)